April 16, 2013

ARTE Indonesia

at Tuesday, April 16, 2013

finally i got time to blog about this ultra cool event called ARTE Indonesia. the art's festival sections was art exhibition, art culinary, art market, music perfomance, and movie screening. ARTE Indonesia was held for three days from 29th - 31st march 2013 at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). but for movie screening, it already started from 26th - 31st march 2013 at XXI Ex Plaza. aaaaaaaaand this event is free. YAY! you only have to pay for movie screening if you want to watch it. honestly, i don't really understand about art. but this one attracted my attention. i'm really curious.

for music performances enlivened by ten bands, such as float, pure saturday, payung teduh, fabas art, cleo, the trees and the wild, jirapah, the white shoes and the couples company, dried cassava, sigmun, and zeke khaseli and the wrong planeteers.

for art culinary, ditampilkan seni memasak dari chef  adrian ishak, dan duo chef ivan dan chef nando. seni memasak yang ditampilkan adalah memasak dengan molecular gastronomy. ITS CRAZY ART ON FOOD. WOW! sang chef mendemokan dua macam makanan, tiap kali chef selesai memasak, nanti akan muncul beberapa asisten chef untuk membagikan makanan yang telah dibuat chef kepada para audience.. yaa meski seporsinya nggak besar yah.. hoho. dan temanku dapet hadiah makan gratis untuk dua orang di restaurant si chef karena berhasil jawab kuis. padahal dia nggak tau apa jawabannya, tapi dikasih tahu sama hostnya. it's funny. hehe. thank you ya mbak host. oh by the way, i love this section. dear chef, marry me please.....

for art market, yaa pada tau lah yah kalo bazar tuh kaya gimana.. banyak stand. but the difference, they only sell artsy items. ya iyalah yaa..

for the movie screening, katanya film-film yang ditampilkan ada tujuh film produksi dalam negeri maupun mancanegara yang telah lulus seleksi di sejumlah festival dunia. 

for the art exhibition, katanya ada 33 seniman yang ambil bagian. diantaranya, andang kelana yang menampilkan cetak digital internet dan video. lalu duto hardono yang berkarya instalasi, gambar, dan kolase. dan dia menampilkan karyanya yang berkolaborasi dengan meiro koizumi berupa video digital (berulang), pemutar kaset, kaset, tempat partitur, dan kertas. oh! i adore this section.

here some snap shots from the events. i am sorry for the pictures that are only slightly. many pictures are accidentally deleted. =(


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